The gym

I rejoined my gym today. I am not entirely sure what motivated me to do it today, specifically, but I’ve done it and this time (hopefully) there will be no quitting.

I joined the gym some time November 2009 and had all this motivation to go every day and that I would lose all the weight I’d wanted for my friend’s wedding. But, missing a day here or there, got me down (adding only to other depressions) and then working until 11pm just amplified the problem.

Most days, I never had the presence of mind to actually get up early and go to the gym before noon and, since the gym closed at 11pm and I worked from 1-11pm, I would go whole weeks without ever seeing the gym. The weeks turned to months and, all the while, my body saw less and less physical movement until I became nearly stationary, but eating like I had never even needed to lose weight.

Previous to joining the gym, I used DDR as a method of exercise, but while I had my gym membership, I told myself it was stupid to play DDR because I should be going to the gym. So, instead of getting in something, I would miss the gym and then refuse to play DDR or the Wii, thus becoming even more sedentary. This time around, I hope to change some of this behaviour.

On this part of the journey, I aim to utilize whatever is at my disposal to keep me from being completely sedentary. Taking the stairs at work (down, of course), DDR, Wii Sports, the gym; whatever is necessary. I will no longer use the excuse that since I am paying for the gym, I should save my workout time for just the gym. I went three months without going to the gym once and paid for it the entire time. If I find myself too lazy to go to the gym, then I’ve got to pull out the DDR mat and my free weights and get to it. Physical activity is no longer an option, but a necessity.

Now…if I can just push this motivation into some kind of physical activity tonight…

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