Fashion Reviews ~ Fall 2003

- Versace - They might have been able to get away with the pants, but the legwarmer-boot combo is just not cutting it, and the jacket (sigh); no words can describe how hideous it truly is.

- Nothing Nothing - Aaaah! The sheer shirt attacks once again! Some frilly crap at the bottom makes me quiver once more, and I will not even bother with the skirt. The shoes are the only thing holding this ensemble together.

- Gucci - To say it simply, it looks like something one might back from the dry cleaners with that little tag on it saying "Oops, we cannot fix this garment." Gucci is different when it comes to style, but this does not work.

- Donna Karan - Why? WHY!?!?! Why would Donna Karan give us something so awful. Big black belt?!? The shoes can't even help here.

- Alexander McQueen - It's simple, yet has a sporty elegant look to it. I love how it brings the eyes down throughout the outfit.

- Jessica Ogden - This outfit says girly skater meets arty prep. All in all, it's distinguished.

- Ralph Lauren - Everything here just fits. It's not overly done, nor is it too simplistic. The colours reek of fall, but each piece adds that extra bit of flair to the collection.

- Calvin Klein - I love it so much it makes me want to cry. So simple, so sleek, so beautiful. Calvin Klein gets it done.