Fashion Reviews ~ Spring 2004

- Calvin Klein - Calvin Klein does us all wrong with this. Ick, eew...For the love of God, eeew!

- Donna Karan - This isn't really that bad, but it's the damn gold throughout all the yellow just sickens me.

- Vera Wang - This is absolutely awful from the collar to the bow it's just gross.

- Vera Wang (again) - And here's the back to show you exactly how terrible this is.

- Vivienne Westwood - It is spring and it's a time for vibrant colours, but the boots must go.

- Alexander McQueen - It's very dramatic. Not much else to say...

- Donna Karan - It's a bit brown for spring, but it looks good.

- Tommy Hilfiger - I love how perfect it matches everything about spring. I could just scream!